2022 player update!
Main New Features
- User interface inspired by Mapillary.com
- Supports Mapbox.com
- Made for extremely large projects. Like a whole country.
- No database anymore.
- Works with any webserver and cloud.
- Search incl. geolocation.
- Asset visualisation and description by URL.
- One-click publishing to your Amazon AWS cloud.
- For Cloud, Windows 10, Windows Server, LAMP etc.
- Easier to customise.
- Easier to integrate into websites and other already existing solutions.
- Creator 6 imports projects backed-up by previous Creator 5.
- Creator 5 imports project backups from new Creator 6. All Creator 6 features are ignored.
- Alternatively you can still generate the player known from Creator 5.
- Demo
The new Player is available as part of our new Creator 7 program.
It can be published to the Amazon AWS cloud with a single mouse-click.
It then automatically scales to cover for usage spikes. Don't miss your 15 minutes of Internet fame!
Of course you also can run it on a Windows 10 PC (recommended: Instant Player), Windows Server, LAMP or literary any other webserver.
Compare to the Legacy Player from Creator 5 from 2020.
Morocco Ghost Town. Embedded Cloud Player
Auto-forward enabled.
Timeline to document change.
Click the timeline icon in the player:

Creator 6, new main processing program
Creator 6 continues to create the "legacy players" known from Creator 5.