Facades automatically matches Streetviews to building coordinates by Latitude and Longitude.
It then creates photos of the building facades.
The photos can then be added to your existing GIS system. Or to any documentation. Even printed catalogs.
For the building coordinates (latitude/longitude), point layer data in SHP, GDB, TAB, KML, GeoJSON and GML formats are accepted.

Main Features
- For mass production
- Pick the "unique identifier field" for the photos name
- Supports SHP, GDB, TAB, KML, GeoJSON and GML formats for point layers.
- Review in QGIS or ArcGIS
- Record Streetviews by car with the recording mode set to Distance and 1 meter.
- With the Creator 5 program, configure the recorded project as usual.
- Process the project with Creator 5
- Facades to load both the point data layer and the Creator 5 project.
- Facades to create the Streetview layer. It has one Streetview for each point.
- Optional: Review the Streetview layer with QGIS or ArcGIS
- Facades to create the buildings photos.